Work With Me

  • Modeling

    I have worked for every type of client I can think of, and I’d love to work with you! If you’re interested in working with me, please email me at If possible, please include as much as possible of the below:
    1) A little bit about your project.
    2) Location: city, country, and any other details you may have (indoor/outdoor).
    3) When: timeline, dates & times, number of hours.
    4) Usage- how and how long will the content be used.

  • Content Creation

    I’ve been reached out to by a number of brands for content creation opportunities, and I realized I love doing it!

    Please send me an email at, and include as much as possible of the below:
    1) What you’re looking for/ brief/ deliverables/ reference examples/ which social platforms.
    2) Timeline.
    3) Usage- how and how long will the content be used.

  • Press

    I love sharing how I can help others change careers to pursue their passions, become a model, navigate mental health struggles, and more! I have been on a number of podcasts, interviewed in several digital and print magazines, speak at events/on panels, and present shows/programs. If you have an opportunity you think my experiences could help your audience, email me at

  • Model Coaching

    We will never truly see South Asian representation unless there are more of us in the space. I’m not competitive because there is a broader mission at play that benefits all of us, regardless of who books an opportunity. I especially love helping other fashion minority and petite models. While my focus is currently on other aspects of my career, I do carve out a little time to help others find a path that works best for their schedule and lifestyle. I teach at model workshops and speak on panels on this topic as well. Email me at if you’re truly interested in this world. I would love to help you!